
Friday, October 26, 2012


Text Box: “Be wise—never use drugs or alcohol”Alcohol is a very extremely harmful drug that is used every single day. Alcohol can used to clean wounds and can be very helpful. However it is abused and used for bad uses. In Long term effects of alcohol is live damage. You become hooked to it and have an addiction this will lead to you spending pay check after pay check after pay check over and over again on this drug that will slowly take your life is like paying some one to come and slowly bleed you to death every day. In short alcohol leaves you impaired thinking makes 7you make bad horrible decisions that will scare and affect you every day of your life. This will follow you every where you go. This is only with so in counters. When you partake in this many times and time and time again it will make all of your choices will soon become bad and you will never be able to get rid of it. Also you will be stuck and have to keep coming back to spend many trims waking up in a place you don’t know and you don’t know how you got there and will be missing things. All of this leads to liver damage and brain damage and death. Other drugs are just or even worse than this. There are drugs like cocaine and meth, these can cause a great feeling when you do it but after it is the w0rse thing in the world when you do them your body slowly starts to die and become a horrible thing. There are also drugs like heroine they give you a great feeling and make the world seem easier but drugs like these can kill you the first time you try it. This is very horrible and should be never done.
Vertical Scroll: Don’t do Drugs

Text Box: Drugs are bad

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